[VIDEO] Emails and WordPress Discussion – WordPress Jinja Meetup September 2019

During the this month’s WordPress Jinja meetup held last Saturday, we discussed issues related to:

▪️Using Gmail as an email client for your cpanel webmail, just as you would use outlook for managing your emails.

▪️Integrating your cpanel webmail account with your WordPress website using the WP Mail SMTP plugin to avoid sending ‘unvalidated email’ via the default php mailer which commonly end up in spam.

▪️Troubleshooting why your emails are ending up in spam; checking if your domain name/server IP address are on a blacklist (using tools like mxtoolbox.com)

▪️Using WordPress plug-ins like MailPoet or Mailchimp to manage email subscriptions, bulk email/ newsletter sending and tracking and use of whitelisted email servers like sendgrid, sendinblue etc to send out reliable emails.

Follow more in the video:

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