Managing WordPress Users and Creating Custom Dashboard for Clients

When you develop a website for a client, it is good that you teach your client how to make use of the website! The client should be able to do ‘simple’ things like making news blog updates as you the developer concentrates on maintaining the more technical aspects of the website. The question that you should ask your self is how much control do you give to the client? Is there a possibility of the client messing up the entire site when given full admin control?

Also, while building a website for your clients, you may use different WordPress plugins, custom post types, WordPress page builders, and other tools. Many of these tools will add their own menu items in the WordPress admin bar, create custom widgets in the admin dashboard, and add links in the toolbar. The end result looks a bit messy. For a client who has never used WordPress these additional items make the dashboard look more complicated than it needs to. Is there a way of simplifying the interface for the client so that only the basic, needed items are visible in the WordPress Dashboard? How about the case of a multi-user website where you want to give different roles to different users – how best can this be done?

During this meetup, we answered these questions at this and more! Watch Video below:

Check out the even page for reference articles used during the meetup


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